Monday, November 21, 2011

Online Book Discussion

We are starting up the Irving Book Bloggers!

Our first book of the year is Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix.

We are discussing it using something called a Wiki at Let me know if you'd like to participate and I'll add you to our group. We will end our book discussion with a face-to-face meeting in the IMC. We may use Skype to invite another school to participate in our discussion.

Our second book discussion will be about The Lightning Thief by Rick Riorden.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement.

Students whose library media specialists played [an instructional] role—either by identifying materials to be used with teacher-planned instructional units or by collaborating with teachers in planning instructional units—tend to achieve higher average test scores.—Lance, Keith Curry, Lynda Welborn, and Christine Hamilton-Pennell. The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement. Colorado Department of Education, State Library and Adult Education Office. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research & Improvement Library Programs. September 1992. p. 97.

The full text, 152 page, pdf is available at this link:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Furniture has arrived!

The final delivery of new library furniture has arrived at last!

We are looking for volunteers during the day this Friday, January 28 to help assemble tables and shelves. Power tools are a plus.  If you're not good with power tools, come later in the day to help put books on the shelves.

We will start at 8:00am. 

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Study: Teacher-librarians are important to reading enjoyment

The presence of a teacher-librarian was the single strongest predictor of reading enjoyment for both grades 3 and 6 students. Larger schools tended to have higher average reading enjoyment scores, and are also more likely to have teacher-librarians. Schools with teacher-librarians could be expected to have reading enjoyment scores that were 8 percentile points higher than average.
Source: Ontario Library Association, Queen’s University, and People for Education. School Libraries & Student Achievement in Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Library Association, 2006.